Members may rent the amenity room for private events.
Hall rental: $30
Refundable damage deposit: $100
Make cheques payable to Dundee Court Housing Co-op.
Booking time includes your set up and take down/clean up time. You must have music off by 10pm, clean up must start no later than 11pm and you must be out of the hall by midnight. Remember that there are people living upstairs and all around the Amenity Room so ensure that all noise is kept to a minimum. Amplified music should be kept loud enough for your guests to enjoy but not so much so that it bothers other members. Visiting children are permitted to use the playground but should do so with a parent or guardian watching over them. Your guests should be inside the amenity room after 9pm.
Please ensure that your guests are aware there is no visitor parking. Your guests must park
on Dundee, Killarney or Kingsway. Anyone parking in the firelanes, or in the parking spot of members,
will be towed at their expense.
Download the rental form below; return a completed copy to #4 – 5411 Killarney Street.